
Pantelina is a female Greek name, the female respective of name Panteleimon. Pantelina is a name that also became popular during the early Christian years. The male name Panteleimon is a compound word that derives from the words pantes which means everyone, and eleimon which means merciful.

female greek name pantelinaSound of name Pantelina: Pa-nte-leé-na

Male Version of name Pantelina: Panteleimon

Nameday of Pantelina: July 27th

Origin of name Pantelina – Agios Panteleimon

Since the name Pantelina derives from the name Panteleimon, it is also associated with Agios Panteleimon. You can check the post for name Pantelis for additional information on Agios Panteleimon.

Nicknames deriving from the name Pantelina

Pantelina is a name that features a few nicknames and diminutives such as Lina, Pantelio, Pantelitsa, Pantelia, Litsa.

The Names’ Fairy reveals the meaning of the name Pantelina

Pantelina is a woman that likes helping other people. She is a relatively lonesome person, quite introverted and  with few but loyal friends.

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Greek Names