
Petrina is a Greek female name, the female respective of name Petros. It is less common than its male version, and also comes from the Greek word petra, which means rock.

petrina greek name for womenSound of name Petrina: Pe-tree’-na

Male version of name Petrina: Petros

Nameday of name Petrina: June 29th

Origin of name Petrina

Although the name Petros exists from the antiquity, name Petrina is first used in the Christian years; for the Greek Orthodox Church, the name Petrina is associated with Apostle Petros (Peter) the follower of Christ. Information about Peter can be found at the particular post for name Petros.

Nicknames deriving from name Petrina

Petrina is one of those names that don’t feature many nicknames or diminutives. The most commonly used ones are Rina, Tina, Petroula  and Petra.

The Names’ Fairy reveals for the name Petrina

Petrina can be very serious and very judgmental; she is always in the need of communicating with others, and sharing everything related to her, but she always judges and comments on other people.

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Greek Names